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  • ct anten monople

The structure of the column is composed of conical polyester tube sections, which are beautifully designed and easy to assemble the communication equipment on the column.

  • Application:

Used as a mobile antenna post, it contributes to the beauty of the landscape, enhancing the natural beauty of the area or the surrounding community at tourist resorts, golf courses, resorts or parks and residential areas...

  • Technical Specification

The structure of the column is composed of conical polyester tube sections, which are beautifully designed and easy to assemble the communication equipment into columns used for receiving stations, such as BTS antenna, Radio transceiver ... The advantage of this technical solution is to save area of ​​land occupied with high aesthetics, in addition, the product is designed module, less structure and easy to manage. This greatly reduces installation time and costs compared to conventional towers such as twisted pair towers, latticed towers, traditional pole bars.

The design was done by the support of the latest professional single-column structural analysis software, structural analyzes were considered static and dynamic under the effect of the wind load on the target. EIA-222 and equivalent standards.
- The wind load calculated on the column is applied according to the pressure area standard at the column installation site, the calculated wind load is analyzed including the load on the type of equipment required to be mounted on the column and structural dimensions of the column.
- The displacement of the calculated column is normally within the range of less than 0.67 degrees, depending on the case of need, the software automatically designs the structure to ensure that the displacement of the manufactured product does not exceed the required bridge.
- Common materials for making new columns according to JIS3101 standard or equivalent. All welds along the column are made on the automatic welding machine using MIG / MAG welding technology or automatic welding under the drug.
- The whole pole is hot dip galvanized according to ASTM123 standard, hot dip galvanized according to ASTM A153 or equivalent.




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